Again, this week we are reminded of the importance of absolute truth. Lafayette, Indiana, seeks to pass a regulation against counseling individuals towards Biblical morality. Across the border in Canada, the same law passed. Next week, Dr. Phil will air a show featuring a debate between those who hold to the concept of gender fluidity and those who hold to Biblical morality.
In each situation, the debate surrounds the concept of truth. One group claims that truth is relative and fluid. The Bible demonstrates that truth is absolute and centered in God himself. For the past decades, society has deserted absolute truth. Since the enlightenment period, society sought to find truth through science instead of God. However, the World Wars and advances in science shattered this thinking. Now society has moved to a post-modern age where everyone determines their truth.
Society would believe that gender fluidity and sexual immorality must be celebrated because truth lies with the individual. Simple definitions are no longer absolute. When asked to define what a man or a woman is, society balks at the question. Instead, claiming that it is whatever each individual feels it is. However, this chaos cannot lead to freedom. It can only lead to despair.
Consequently, society must find ways to anesthetize themselves from the despair they feel. Drugs, alcohol, and many other things keep individuals from feeling the despair surrounding their lives. Yet, when the anesthetic wears off, the despair returns.
The answer lies in the absolute source of truth. God holds the keys to satisfaction and joy in life. Absolute truth anchors our lives. And the Gospel declares that truth. Christians cannot afford to respond to the current societal situation with false answers. Anger, frustration, worry cannot exemplify hope. Politics does not provide actual change. Entertainment and comfortable lives cannot last. Only the absolute truth of the Gospel can change anyone. Christians must stand and proclaim the truth of the Gospel regardless of the cost.
The question remains, will you stand on the Gospel? Or will you settle for lesser answers which do not provide hope? Will you anchor yourself to the Word of God, or will you drift aimlessly with the culture? The day has come for the Christian to choose. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.