Over the past few weeks, we have looked at the need to stay on task and target in the church and in our Christian life. Today we turn to the final aspect of this topic in Philippians 1. When we maintain the proper perspective in life, we can stay on task and target by responding the right way. Often the church and the Christian veer away because we respond wrongly in challenging times.
Although Paul had a legitimate reason to be angry or hurt, he wanted the Philippians to understand that he rejoiced because the Gospel was preached. When faced with difficult circumstances, we can be tempted to become frustrated, bitter, and depressed. When facing difficult people, we can be tempted to become angry, vindictive, and bitter. However, the proper perspective keeps the church on task and target by responding the right way. Paul begins this verse by asking a question. What then? What does it matter?
What does it matter that some preached the Gospel to hurt Paul? Paul did not view his life or reputation as something he needed to protect. His focus instead was on Gospel advance. So what did it matter if the Gospel’s advance came at the cost of his reputation or life? Whether through good motives or sinister motives, the Gospel advanced. In this, Paul rejoiced. The proper perspective allowed Paul to respond the right way.
You may feel as though God asks the impossible. Responding with joy in difficult circumstances or while facing difficult people is impossible. Perhaps super Christians can respond with joy, but not you. However, Paul reveals that the secret lies in your perspective. If we are genuinely working towards the right goal, what does it matter if we get the recognition for accomplishing the goal. If we care more about recognition, then recognition is our goal. What does it matter if we face hardship and trial? If we care more about ease and security, our goal is ease and security. The way to respond right in every situation is to keep the proper goal in mind. We are all driven by goals. Our response to circumstances reveals our goals. The key then to the correct responses is the right goal. When we seek first the Kingdom of God, we can rest assured that all will be fine. When we set the advance of the Gospel as our goal, we understand that tribulation aids the advancement of the Gospel. Therefore, we welcome the tribulation; we don’t run from it. When we keep the eternal kingdom as our perspective in life, all we face will be worth the struggle when we see Jesus. This perspective allows us to respond with joy. The proper perspective keeps the church on task and target by responding the right way.
Remind yourself that God sometimes uses Christians whose motives are suspect. This does not mean that we must approve of their motives but must rejoice in the advance of the Gospel and trust God to guard His reputation. The proper perspective keeps the church on task and target by responding the right way.
Paul sat imprisoned because he dared to preach the truth of the Gospel. Some took advantage of his imprisonment to demean him. He may have been tempted to give up. He may have been tempted with depression. However, he maintained the proper perspective by focusing on God’s eternal goodness and the advance of the Gospel. He remained on task and target. You will face intense struggle and conflict in life. You will be tempted to turn your back and God and the church. You will be tempted to seek your comfort. Despite these temptations, you must seek first God’s Kingdom.
Some of you are facing challenging circumstances. All of us will face them at some point. Some of you are considering turning your back on God. Some of you are being maligned and criticized for doing what is right. God has called his children to be faithful to his cause. To remain faithful, you must develop a proper perspective. You must build your view of God. Building this view of God involves several essential steps. First, you must confess sin in your life. Sin impairs our relationship with God. It steals our perspective and hinders our joy. Yet, when we confess our sin, 1 John 1:9 informs us that he is faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Second, you must speak the truth to yourself. Throughout the Psalms, we observe the Psalmist speaking the truths of God to himself. Although he struggles to believe God’s promises, he preaches the truths to himself to believe them. So, you must speak the truth to yourself even when you don’t believe it. Third, you must consume the Word of God to learn about your God and gain the proper perspective. As you read God’s Word, note the way God describes himself. As you begin to understand who God is and what God is like, you will see your perspective change.
Stay focused on the eternal plan of God and maintain that proper perspective. Remind yourself continually that God works all things for his glory and your good. Build your view of God. If you have not surrendered your life to Christ, do so today. Gain a proper perspective so that you can stay on task and target