Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:21
Yesterday, I hope that you had a wonderful day with family or friends. Even more, I hope that you took some time to consider all the incredible blessings that God bestows on you. In the middle of a hard couple of years, it can be easy to lose sight of all the good around us. If you have not already, take some time to express your thanks to God and others for these things.
I am thankful for several things. I am grateful for the family with which God blessed me. Twenty years ago, I met my wife when some friends set us up. It has been a remarkable twenty years. I am blessed beyond measure with a wonderful wife. I am also blessed with two fantastic boys who love the Lord and others. I am continually impressed and convicted by their faith. I cannot wait to see the men that they become.
I am thankful for my church. Over the past four years, the church has continually demonstrated love and faith. The care they show towards one another is a blessing to behold. They frequently sacrifice their money, time, and energy for the church. When one member suffers, they rally to care for that member. When they can divide, they come together and care for one another. I am regularly amazed at their care and compassion. They are committed to growth in their spiritual lives and love the Word. As their pastor, I could ask nothing more.
I am thankful for my country. The freedoms we regularly enjoy are a novelty on the stage of world history. The economic wealth we experience is unprecedented. And the education we demand has never been seen before. The past two centuries of this country present an oddity that may never be seen again. While it is easy to complain about all that has happened in this country, we cannot lose sight of these blessings.
God truly is a good God who cares for His children. Even when we face hardship, the wise believer recognizes all that God grants. Take time today to count your blessings and be overwhelmed by your God. Instead of getting caught in the consumerism of Black Friday, seek contentment with God’s provision. In every circumstance, give thanks.