Sometimes, God reminds us that He controls this world’s events. Last week was one such time. Friday, as my family exited a White House tour, we noticed a large media contingency off towards the west wing. Wondering what was happening, we did what every self-respecting modern person does: we took out our smartphones. We learned that Roe V. Wade had been officially overturned.
While we heard rumblings for months that this day was coming, one never counts on the decision until it is official. Now we rejoice! Psalm 127:3 informs us that children are a gift and reward from God. They are not an inconvenience that needs to be eliminated. Friday’s decision will save countless lives. May God be praised!!
Yet, there remains work for us to continue. The work of pregnancy centers continues in importance. As a church, we must continue (and even increase) our partnership with Helping Hands. We ought to encourage our legislators to make adoption cheaper and easier to accomplish. And we must pray that God will continue to move in His sovereignty to change the course of our culture.
As we consider our current efforts, two actions rise to the surface. First, we must fight for life on the state level. Our governor has continually made one of her more true statements. She claims she will “fight like hell” for the right to murder unborn children. Indeed, the powers of Hell are the ones behind this satanic push. We must encourage our legislators to also fight for the unborn. We must pray that the State Supreme Court rules correctly and holds to the rule of law on the books. The battle has just begun at the state level.
Second, we must return to a Biblical sexual ethic. The foundation of the abortion movement is that sex must happen anywhere and anytime. Too many Christians fail to hold to the Biblical view that sex must only remain inside the marriage union. God, however, does not take a soft stance. Hebrews 13:4, Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. We must train our children when they are young and rebuke them when they are old that sex must remain only inside of marriage. The one-flesh relationship pictures God’s perfect relationship with the church. When we move sex outside of marriage, we mock the gospel. Hold to a Biblical sex ethic!!
While work remains, we do not cease to rejoice in this victory. God is great and greatly to be praised!!