Does God Allow Divorce? Part 2 (Mark 10:1-12)

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Thursday, the Wall Street Journal published an article which revealed that the marriage rate has plunged to its lowest point since the government started tracking it in the 1860’s. This cannot be explained away as an economic issue, this is at its core a moral issue. We live in a society that no longer sees the purpose of marriage. When people “love” each other, they simply live with one another. There is seen no need for a piece of paper stating that it is legal. This rate comes with devastating consequences and stems from an unbiblical view of marriage. Further, This period of quarantine has forced families to spend significant time with one another. No longer can we escape to our jobs or our hobbies. We must actually spend time with our families. I fear that this will lead to a surge in divorce due to the poor views of marriage today. Last week we began the next section of Mark in which the Pharisees asked Jesus a question that we need to ask today as well, “Does God allow divorce?”

As we work through this text, we will cover the issue by asking and answering 4 questions: What does the Bible say? What is God’s plan? Does God really mean this? And where do we go from here? Through these questions we will see that God’s plan from creation was life-long, flourishing marriage. As a result, we will call each other to commit to and be content with where God has you. Last week we covered the first question. The goal today will be to cover the last three.