A Note of Thanksgiving – November 24, 2023

This contemplation of thanksgiving began last Sunday as the church body readily and joyfully shared their testimonies of God’s grace. I am so very grateful for my church family. In 2017, God brought us together in His gracious goodness. My church family at Cambria has proven to be loving, compassionate, generous, encouraging, exhorting, and full of godly servants. They love the Word and long to be taught its eternal truths. They love each other and continually demonstrate that love through their good works for one another. They have been encouraging to my family. They have regularly gone out of their way to care for my wife and boys. I am continually amazed at God’s gracious goodness in granting me the privilege of shepherding this church. There is nowhere else in the world I would rather be.

I am thankful for the family God has gifted me. Proverbs 18:22 tells us that he who finds a wife finds a treasure. Proverbs 31:10 informs us that an excellent wife is far more precious than jewels. I am a wealthy man. God has granted me an amazing wife. She is kind, loving, hard-working, loves the Lord, is full of integrity and character, is meek, gentle, and a gem. This is true because she values her relationship with God above all else. She allows the Word to form and change her. For nineteen years, I have been amazed that I scored so far out of my league. God has seen fit to grant me two incredible young men. They have grown from joyful little boys to godly men who tower over me. Their love for God is a constant blessing. Their love of fun and jokes brings laughter to our home. They are turning into young men sensitive to the Spirit of God and demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit. This is all to the praise of God’s glorious grace. He could accomplish this.

I am thankful for the ministry partners God granted to us. Pastor Christian and Chelsea have been a tremendous blessing to me, Heather, and our church. Their energy, excitement, maturity, and passion for God have been exactly what our church needed. They have continually displayed a heart of discipleship and care for God’s people. God has been very good to us.

 I hope this Thanksgiving letter prompts you to examine your own life and praise God for the unique gifts He has given you. He is always good and always faithful. You have much to be thankful for … you just need to look. 

The Meaning of Life – October 13, 2023

“What is the meaning of life? Why do I exist? What is my purpose?” These questions must be answered. As we’ve studied Ecclesiastes, Solomon has clearly shown us the vanity of this world. The things of this world will never satisfy your soul or give you purpose. Money, pleasure, fun, knowledge, experiences, and success can’t provide what our souls desperately crave. Ultimately, these things are vanity because they can’t fix our problem with death, and they don’t last. So then what is the meaning of life? In Ecclesiastes 12:9-14, Solomon gives the answer by addressing two final questions:

The first question is, “How did we get here?” (Eccl. 12:9-12) These verses recap Solomon’s quest. He has diligently studied the matter. He tested everything this world has to offer. Solomon carefully and thoughtfully wrote this book to give us his research and conclusion. He wanted to use his wisdom to teach others. He didn’t just hoard his wealth of understanding, but wanted to help others understand the truth about God and life in this world. Solomon has written the truth. It hasn’t always been pleasant or nice, but he gave us the cold hard facts. As he recaps his journey, he’s demonstrating the gravity of this question and the importance of the answer.

In verses 11-12, we see that Solomon is certain about his conclusion. There is no other answer. Solomon reveals that the Source of wisdom is God, the Good Shepherd. God gave Solomon wisdom and led him to this conclusion. This didn’t come from him or some philosopher. This book and this answer came from God. In fact, he’s so sure of the answer that he warns against any other conclusion. People will continue to study, research, and write about the meaning of life. Mankind is constantly theorizing and writing about our origin and purpose. Solomon says none of these theories will satisfy and they’ll just prove to be false. So don’t look for the answer anywhere else. If someone offers a different conclusion, then they’re wrong. Solomon is certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is the purpose of human life.

The second question is, “What is the meaning of life?” (Eccl. 12:13-14) Listen to Solomon’s conclusion, “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” What is your purpose in life? Your purpose is to fear God and to keep His commandments. That word “fear” has the idea of loyal submission. To fear God, we must surrender our lives to God and commit to serving Him. Remember Ecclesiastes 3:14 said that all God’s actions are to bring people to fear Him. In chapter 5, we learned that to fear God means to worship Him in humility, honor Him in prayer, and obey Him with haste. This fear is a reverential awe and respect of God’s power and holiness. It is the proper response to God. We should bow our lives in reverence before the King.

This is why God hates arrogance and pride. Proverbs 6:16-17a – “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes.” Proverbs 8:13 – “The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.” James 4:6 – “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” God hates the arrogance of mankind. So it’s wise to humble ourselves and fear God.

This humble respect of God should cause us to “keep His commandments.” We find His commands in His Word. God has revealed Himself in the Bible. So if we truly fear Him (as we should) then we’ll do what He says. That means we should seek to please Him with our lives. It’s similar to a marriage relationship. If I say I love my wife, but never do what she asks and don’t listen to her, that makes me a liar and terrible husband. Because if I truly love her and respect her, then I’ll do what she asks. My actions prove my words. It’s the same way with the fear of the Lord. If we fear God, then we’ll do what He says. We’ll trust His Word. Keeping His commandments is proof that we fear Him.

Solomon says, “for this is the whole duty of man.” That is, “this is the purpose of mankind.” God created you so that you would fear and obey Him. He created you for Himself. Your life belongs to God. So your purpose is to worship and serve God. Now some might think- “We’ll that’s too bad. This is my life. I’ll do whatever I want.” Verse 14 is for you. Solomon warns, “For God will bring every deed into judgment.” Anticipating pushback Solomon assures the skeptic- “God will judge you.” Everything you do on this earth will be judged by the Creator.

Solomon says whether it’s done in secret or in the open, whether it’s evil or good, it will all be judged by God. Why should you fear God and keep His commandments? Because He’s the Final Judge. Ecclesiastes 5:12-13 promised that those who fear God won’t have to worry on judgment day. It says, “it will be well with those who fear God.” But the wicked, those that reject God and live for themselves, will face His eternal wrath. You can reject God, but you can’t escape Him.

As we’ve said all along, the meaning of life must be eternal. Who is eternal? God is. The meaning of life must be universal. God offers His grace to everyone. The meaning of life must be personal. Through Jesus Christ, God reconciles us to Himself, adopts us into His family, and indwells us by His Spirit. God is a personal God. He loves us and cares about us. He wants us as His own. And finally, the meaning of life must fix our problem with death. Who conquered death once and for all? Jesus Christ conquered death by His death and resurrection. Only He can give us eternal life. So the meaning of life is only found in God!

That’s the conclusion. Why do you exist? What is the purpose of your life? To fear God and keep His commandments. You exist for God. So the question is: Will you submit to God or will you reject Him? To those that submit- God offers eternal life and joy forevermore. To those that reject God- as you waste your life on the vanity of this world and race towards judgment day, please remember that God’s grace is for you. Repent and trust in Christ for salvation and He’ll forgive your sin and grant you eternal life.

Remember Your Creator – October 6, 2023

Many of us enjoy road trips and agree that they can be fun. But all road trips must come to an end. The book of Ecclesiastes is like a road trip. We’ve studied Solomon’s quest for the meaning of life and now we’ve reached the end of the road. This book has been building to the conclusion. We’ve been challenged to submit our lives to God because life is uncertain, our wisdom is uncertain, time is uncertain, and death is certain. Chapter eleven ended with a call to put off the vanity of this world because God is the final Judge and true joy is only found in Him.

In the final chapter, Solomon summarizes the argument of his whole book. The challenge is the same- we need to submit our lives to God. Ecclesiastes 12:1 says, “Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth.” In verses 1-8, Solomon challenges us to not waste our lives on the vanity of this world. Rather we should use our time and energy to serve our Creator. Why is this important? Solomon knew that everybody faces the temptations to abandon God and pursue the fun and pleasure of this world. But God knows you better than you know yourself. In this passage, we’re given two final reasons why we should submit our lives to God:

First, submit your life to God because death is coming (Eccl. 12:1-7). Solomon tells us to remember our Creator while we’re young. That word “remember” calls us to honor, obey, and serve God. This is necessary because He is our Creator. Our lives belong to Him because He made us. We steal from God when we live for our own glory. So don’t try to rob God. Serve your Creator. 

Then Solomon gives us the first reason in verses 1-2. He warns us that death is coming to all of us. Solomon describes the process of dying. He calls it the “evil days” that have “no pleasure.” The process of dying is painful and ugly. And the reality is, all of us are dying! Solomon describes this dreadful process with the analogy of dimming of light. In our youth we’re full of energy and ambition, but the end of our lives are dark and slow. In verses 3-5, he describes the decay of our bodies. As we age, strength is diminished, life is slowed, and the end draws near. Your arms and hands grow weak. Your legs become feeble and unsteady. Your teeth fall out and your eyesight becomes dim. Sleep is no longer sweet because of all your aches and pains. The hearing fades. The energy diminishes. The hair turns white and falls out. Movement becomes slow and painful. And your desires fail. All this happens because death is coming.

Solomon says in verse 5 that “man is going to his eternal home.” We’re all on the road to death. Verse 6 shows us that death is irreversible. Like a bowl that is shattered to pieces or a cord that is cut, the damage of death is irreversible. Death is also inevitable. In verse 7, Solomon describes what happens when we die. Our bodies return to the dust. This alludes to Genesis 3:19 – “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The curse of sin brought death. Physical death is separation of the body and soul. The body goes into the grave and the soul returns to God. This reminds us that after death we will face the Judge. Remember Ecclesiastes 3:17 – “God will judge the righteous and the wicked.” The wicked will face God’s eternal wrath and the righteous will inherit eternal life. So we should submit our lives to God because death is coming.

Second, submit your life to God because this world is vanity (Eccl. 12:8). Solomon started the book with this statement- “Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity.” Now he concludes his quest with the same statement. He has tried everything this world has to offer- money, success, knowledge, power, sex, fame, fun, etc. His conclusion to it all: this world is vanity. It’s passing away. All of us are passing away. So meaning and purpose can never be found in this world. The temptations of this world look fun and feel good, but they will never satisfy your soul or give you meaning, because it’s all vanity. 

Do you want a joyful and good life? Submit to God. Do you want a life of purpose and significance? Submit to God. Do you want hope for eternal life? Submit to God. Your life belongs to the Creator. This world offers nothing that will last or satisfy your soul. So don’t waste your life. Life is short, death is inevitable, this world is vanity, and God will judge you. So submit your life to your Creator. The meaning of life is only found in God. Next week we finally reach the conclusion and answer the question- what is the meaning of life?

Living in the Present – September 29, 2023

I can probably assume that everyone reading this article has driven in a really bad snowstorm. Being from Upstate New York, I’ve had my share of driving in blizzards. I can remember driving to school my senior year in almost a foot of snow because they didn’t cancel. Yes, you read that right. If New York canceled every time we got a foot of snow overnight, then I’d still be in high school. So how should you drive in a snowstorm? Most of us would not say, “speed up and take sharp turns.” That would not end well! When caught in a blizzard it’s wise to slow down, turn on your flashers if it’s hard to see, and never stop in the road. The truth is, living in an uncertain world is like navigating a snowstorm. It’s dangerous and we must be careful. Ecclesiastes 11 continues the topic of why we need to submit our lives to God. Solomon has taught us that life is short, and this world is full of uncertainty. In this chapter, we learn two facts about life and the proper responses.

Although tomorrow is uncertain, we should be diligent today (Eccl. 11:1-6). In verses 1-4, Solomon gives some proverbs about planning for the future. The message is- be diligent today because you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Solomon alludes to seafaring trade. Israel wasn’t known as a seafaring nation. However, this trade peaked during Solomon’s reign. The sea is a dangerous place, especially in a world without motors, life jackets, and the Coast Guard. Nothing is certain on the sea. The winds could be still or wild. The waves could be crashing one minute and calm the next. A capsized vessel was a death sentence. Solomon is encouraging us to take advantage of the opportunities that we have. There may be risks, like in seafaring, but there are also great rewards. We never know what disaster may come, so we shouldn’t put all our eggs in one basket. It’s wise to use the gifts that God gave to you and trust Him with the results. 

Again, Solomon reminds us in verses 5-6 that we can’t comprehend God’s works, so we should be diligent with our time. Solomon illustrates this point with the mystery of human life. Man is composed of two parts- immaterial and material, or body and soul. Our physical nature comes from our parents’ DNA. But where does the soul come from? Ultimately, we know it comes from God. But how does He put the soul in the baby in the womb? This is a mystery to us. Likewise, we can’t understand all God’s works. The response to this fact is found verse 6, “In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.” Basically, we don’t know the outcome, so we should be diligent with the time that we have. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, we can’t comprehend all of God’s works, so we should be committed to using our time for good. 

Although death is certain, we should enjoy the life we have (Eccl. 11:7-10). Solomon gives us the facts- life is short, death is certain, so rejoice in the time that you have. We should enjoy the life that God has given us, but we also need to remember that death is coming. Our days are numbered. All that we have in this life will be lost to the grave. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the life that God has given us. This concept may seem crazy to an unbeliever, but Solomon understands that there is life after death (cf. 3:17; 12:14). Although this world is broken and offers no hope, God gives joy and hope to those who fear Him. 

In verses 8-9, Solomon commends joy. He tells us to enjoy our youth but remember that God is the Final Judge. So don’t use your life for wickedness, don’t pursue the vain pleasures of this world, because God will hold you accountable. This brings up a very important fact for us to consider- life can be enjoyable without sin. Often we fall into the trap of thinking: “Christian stuff is good and worldly stuff is fun.” But that’s not the whole truth. Solomon has taught us that true joy and pleasure are found when we trust and obey God. David declares in Psalm 16:11, “In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Did David have an easy life? Certainly not! But did David enjoy his life? Yes, because he understood that only God offers true joy.  

The final verse is a plea to remove the frustrations and evils of this life because they’re vanity. Solomon’s message in this book has been- if you seek meaning and purpose in this world, then you will only find pain and frustration. So put off that pursuit and live a life that pleases God. The vanity of this world will only bring pain. So remove them from your life. Instead, submit your life to the Creator and Final Judge.  

God wants you to be happy. But the happiness He gives is pure. The fact is, lasting happiness is only found in God. We need to submit our work and desires to God because He controls all things. Although life is like driving in a snowstorm, we have to keep moving. We can’t control the future, but God does. We can’t control death, but God does. And God is the Final Judge. So submit to Him and He’ll give you true joy.

The Benefits of Wisdom – September 22, 2023

What are the benefits of exercise? Exercise can help you be healthier, stronger, and more energetic. What are the limits of exercise? Exercise takes time, it can cause injuries, and in today’s world it often costs money. Like exercise, wisdom has benefits and limits. Ecclesiastes has taught us a lot about wisdom. Wisdom is good. However, we can’t trust our own wisdom to fix all our problems. We’ve looked at the limits of wisdom, the attributes of wisdom, and how to be wise in a wicked world. These discussions have pointed us to our need for submitting to God. He controls all things, and our lives belong to Him. Last week we uncovered the reality that we live in a world full of uncertainty. Once again, Solomon reminds us that wisdom is necessary in a world full of vanity. Ecclesiastes 10 gives the benefits of wisdom in a world full of uncertainty.

The first benefit of wisdom is that it protects from foolish mistakes (Eccl. 10:2-7). In verse 2, Solomon lays out the sharp contrast between the wise and the fool. The fact is, they’re on totally different paths. What path someone is on is usually evident by their words. A fool is known by words that lack sense. Foolishness is almost never quiet. Solomon gives some wisdom in verse 4. He says that if a ruler or someone with authority gets angry with you, don’t run, or respond with anger. Instead, the wise will respond with patience and humility by remaining calm. In verses 5-7, Solomon explains that this is important because those in high authority have power over your life. In those days, a king could execute a citizen for any reason he saw fit. Solomon’s point is, the wise won’t overreact when someone is angry with them. A fool will respond harshly and only make things worse. Wisdom remains calm when falsely accused and submits to authority.

The second benefit of wisdom is that it often brings success (Eccl. 10:8-11). Wisdom will consider the challenges and potential dangers of a job, prepare accordingly, then accomplish the task. Any job has potential risks. The fool ignores them and eventually regrets it. Wisdom will consider the risks and work carefully with proper planning and preparation. Furthermore, the wise won’t be lazy or procrastinate. The job only gets harder when we delay. If we procrastinate, then we risk losing the job all together. Solomon gives the example of a snake charmer. If he is slow to charm the deadly serpent, then it will bite him, and he’ll have a bigger problem. Therefore, the wise must be diligent and it will eventually bring success.

Third, wisdom wins favor with others (Eccl. 10:12-20). Wisdom wins favor by thoughtful words. A wise man earns approval by his words, but the fool is consumed by his foolish talk. The fool will talk a lot and his words will be full of filth and madness. But a wise man uses his words carefully. The fool multiplies words, yet his understanding is little. Wisdom also wins favor by using authority for good. A foolish ruler will use his power for his own wealth and satisfaction, instead of for his people. A young and foolish king that is only committed to his own glory is a curse to a land. This kind of ruler brings destruction. 

This section reminds me of Solomon’s son, Rehoboam. In 1 Kings 12, we read about Rehoboam’s ascension to the throne of Israel. Early in his reign he was faced with a question. The people of Israel asked Rehoboam to lighten their workload because they had done so much during Solomon’s reign. They promised to serve him faithfully and give him full allegiance if he granted their request. First, Rehoboam took council with the elders. The wise elders told him to treat the people with kindness to earn their favor and allegiance. But Rehoboam didn’t like their advice. So, he went to his friends and they told him to respond with an iron fist and assert himself by adding to the people’s workload. In 1 Kings 12:14, Rehoboam tells the people that he will add to their yoke and discipline them with scorpions. But the foolish king should have listened to the elders because the people responded in verse 16, “And when all Israel saw that the king did not listen to them, the people answered the king, “What portion do we have in David? We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse. To your tents, O Israel! Look now to your own house, David.” So Israel went to their tents.” After this foolish decision, the kingdom of Israel was divided, and Rehoboam’s reign would be remembered forever as a bitter failure. The fact is, a foolish king can destroy a whole kingdom. But a wise king is a great benefit to a land and will be favored by the people. Wisdom will earn favor with others, but foolishness only causes strife.

What are you known for? The fool is quick to anger, slow to work, and recklessly causes strife. The wise man is patient, diligent, slow to speak, and pursues peace. Wisdom will protect, help, and bless those who have it. So get wisdom! James 1:5-6 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting…” We need God’s wisdom. So ask Him in faith and He will graciously provide.

The Uncertainties of Life – September 15, 2023

“These are uncertain times.” If you’re like me, then you were probably tired of hearing that phrase during the COVID-19 pandemic. It felt like every commercial and news channel used this phrase on a daily basis. The irony of this statement is that in a fallen world all time is uncertain. No moment of life is guaranteed. No one can tell you for certain what tomorrow will bring. It doesn’t matter if we are in World War 3 or a worldwide pandemic, all time is uncertain.

In Ecclesiastes 9-10, Solomon writes about the uncertainties of life. Although God controls all things, life under the sun is still full of puzzling realities. This world is unpredictable. Solomon is considering this fact to show us why we need to submit to God. Continuing the topic of last week, this section teaches us that we should submit to God because life is uncertain. Solomon explains this by describing two uncertainties in life:

First, we see that time is uncertain (Eccl. 9:11-12). The outcomes of life are unpredictable. The fastest don’t always win the race. The strongest don’t always win the battle. The wisest don’t always succeed. This is because we live in a world full of chance. Victory in life is never certain. That’s why sports are so fun. No matter how good or bad a team is, there’s always a chance to win. The Cinderella story only happens because victory is never guaranteed for anyone. Success is uncertain. The smartest people can lose it all with one wrong move. The fool can amass great riches and never lose a dime. Life can be random. One moment things are good, and the next they’re awful. Time and chance happen to all because these things are beyond our control. 

Furthermore, the time of death is uncertain. Solomon says, “For man does not know his time.” No one knows their time of death. Death happens suddenly. Solomon compares it to the fish that is caught in a net or a bird that is caught in a snare. One moment they’re happy and free, and the next they’re trapped and killed. This is how life works. Our time is limited, and that limit is unknowable.

Second, we learn that wisdom is uncertain (Eccl. 9:13-10:1). Solomon illustrates the uncertainty of wisdom with a story in verses 13-16. He describes a little city that is being attacked by a great king. It seems like all hope is lost for this city. But in a crazy turn of events the little city was delivered by a poor, wise man. Somehow this wise man knew how to defeat the enemy and save the city. This great victory should earn this man a hero’s honor, right? Solomon says in verse 15, “Yet no one remembered that poor man.” How outrageous is that? This man saved the city and yet everyone forgot him. The point is, wisdom gives strength, but its results are still uncertain.

Next, Solomon assures us that wisdom is valuable, but it can’t fix sin. The words of the wise are better than the shouting of fools. Wisdom is better than the weapons of war. As seen in the previous story, wisdom can earn victory even when the battle seems lost. However, as great and powerful as wisdom is, one sinner can destroy much good. Like dead flies that ruin an expensive perfume, a little foolishness can destroy the hard work of wisdom. The outcomes of wisdom are uncertain because we live in a sin-cursed world. One foolish act can destroy a lifetime of wisdom. Wisdom is like a house of cards. It takes careful skill and steadiness to build a house of cards. This structure is an impressive display of weight distribution and geometry. However, just one small gust of air can topple the whole thing. Likewise, wisdom can give success, but one small act of foolishness can take it all away. 

You can’t control the future, or time, or what happens with your life. When we consider all the uncertainties and dangers that we face every day, it can become crippling. But the truth is, although life is full of uncertainty, we can trust God because He is certain. God controls time, death, joy, and results. Life is too short and uncertain to depend on yourself, so submit to God. The most foolish lie of sin is the outlandish claim that you don’t need God. But the facts of life clearly prove that wrong. Thankfully, God wants you. He sent His Son to die for us on the cross to save us because He wants us. So don’t be foolish, submit to God and trust Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Submit to God – September 8, 2023

As you read this sentence, a moment of your life has passed by that will never happen again. Time is linear. Once a moment happens, it will never “be” again. That’s how time works in this world. The Bible teaches us that God is Sovereign. That means He controls all things, including time. In this series, we’ve wrestled with the fact that man cannot totally grasp God’s purpose and plan for this world. In Ecclesiastes 9, Solomon considers these facts and gives us the proper response to God’s sovereignty. Today we’ll see that because our lives are subject to God’s will, we should submit to Him. Solomon gives two reasons why we should submit our lives to God: 

First, we should submit our lives to God because death is inevitable (Eccl. 9:1-6). Solomon says our deeds are “in the hand of God.” All of us are subject to God’s sovereign will. We’re not the masters of our own fate. We can’t control the future, our success, other people, and ultimately, we can’t control the day that we die. But God controls all these things. Solomon reminds us that we’re all subject to the same fate. Solomon contrasts the righteous and the wicked, and on a surface level it seems like there’s no difference in the end. Both face adversity and hate. Both experience prosperity and love. And both die in the end. 

Sadly, this fact has caused many people to live in wickedness because they think that death is the end. Man’s response to the reality of death is to live in rampant wickedness and pursue whatever evil desires he can possibly imagine. But what’s the problem with that lifestyle? You still die in the end, and you will face God’s judgment. Ecclesiastes 3:17 warned that God will judge the righteous and the wicked. God is the final Judge and those that live in wickedness will face His wrath. So, life has advantages over death. He who is joined to the living has hope. If you’re still breathing, then there’s hope for your soul. Hope for what? Hope for a life of meaning, to escape the vanity of this world, and to find eternal joy in God. The dead are forgotten and will never return. Their life on this earth is over. However, there is still hope for the living.

Second, we should submit our lives to God because He can give us true joy (Eccl. 9:7-10). Life is a gift from God. Our food, clothing, goods, and relationships are gifts from God and should be enjoyed. Our lives are fleeting, so we should enjoy the time that we have. God wants us to enjoy His gifts. He approves of those that fear Him and seek to please Him with their lives. God controls the hearts of men, so only He can give us true joy and peace. Even common things like eating and drinking are a gift from God and should be used for His glory. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Life is not always a party, it’s not always easy, but it can be joyful. 

Solomon commends things like marriage and hard work. God created these things for us to enjoy. We only have one life on this earth, so we should use it to serve and honor God. He has given us so many blessings to use and appreciate. We should make the most of the talents and abilities that God has given us. We should take the opportunities that the Lord puts in front of us. We should work hard for the glory of God and give Him all the praise.

Where do you find joy? This life is short, and our time is running out. Thankfully, this life can be enjoyed when we submit to God. God controls all things. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is before all things, He knows all things, and all things are for Him. So, we should submit to our Creator and Lord. We can have hope in life and death because of Christ. Only Jesus can rescue us from our sin and guarantee our home in heaven. He is our only hope. So, submit to Christ because life is short and true joy is only found in Him.

Wise Living – September 1, 2023

Solomon talks a lot about wisdom. This doesn’t surprise us because that was his thing. When we read Proverbs it’s easy to be overwhelmed by his supreme understanding. But as we’ve seen, wisdom is not everything. Wisdom is good and we need it, but we can’t trust our own wisdom to save us or to give us joy. Wisdom is kind of like steak. Steak is delicious and a wonderful gift of God. However, if I only eat steak and nothing else, then I’ll get sick of it (eventually) and my body would lack other necessary nutrients for proper functioning. Likewise, wisdom is good, but it’s insufficient to provide the meaning of life.   

In Ecclesiastes 8, Solomon turns again to the value of wisdom because he wants us to understand that although wisdom can’t save us, it is good for us. We can’t trust our own wisdom for meaning and purpose, but God still desires us to be wise because we live in a wicked word. Our world is full of sin and chaos, and this is nothing new. Solomon observed the wickedness of his day and said in Ecclesiastes 7:20 – “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.” We could echo those words today. So, how can we be wise in a wicked world? In this chapter, Solomon explains how to be wise with three attributes of wisdom:

The first attribute of wisdom is that a wise person obeys God’s appointed authorities (Eccl. 8:1-9). Solomon starts this chapter with a reminder of the value of wisdom. He says that the wise will stand out and have a good reputation. They’ll be known for their upright character and godliness. This character is demonstrated by their obedience to the king. The wise person will obey the king or ruling authority because God has appointed them to that position. God determines who rules and exercises authority. Lest we think that we’re exempt from this command I implore you to read Romans 13:1-7 and 1 Peter 2:13-25 and consider the context in which those passages were written. God appoints all rulers, and we display our trust in God by obeying those authorities.

Then Solomon goes a step further and explains why we should honor our authorities. We should serve and pray for our leaders and do what is right. Solomon gives three reasons why this is wise: 1) Honor your rulers because they’re superior (v. 4), 2) Honor your rulers because it keeps you out of trouble (v. 5), and 3) Honor your rulers because the wicked will be judged by God (vv. 6-9). God will punish those that disobey His commands. So, we should honor God by honoring the authorities He put in place.

The second attribute of wisdom is that a wise person fears God (Eccl. 8:10-13). Once again Solomon reminds us of the reality of death, in particular the death of the wicked. The wicked may prosper in this life and deceive themselves by thinking they can escape God, but death is proof that everyone is accountable to God. Sadly, our sinful world tends to praise the wicked and persecute the righteous. But Solomon reminds us that no sinner can escape death by his wickedness. In verse 12, we have a glimpse of hope because Solomon says that the one who fears God will escape His wrath. Although the wicked seem to prosper in this life, their judgment will come. So, we should fear the Final Judge. Those that fear God will escape His wrath. This is good news! We’re all sinners and we all deserve God’s wrath. However, we can be spared if we fear God. But those who do not fear God, who persist in wickedness and never repent, will face God’s eternal wrath. 

The third attribute of wisdom is that a wise person enjoys the life that God has given (Eccl. 8:14-17). As Solomon examined life on this earth, he noticed this frustrating fact- good and bad come to the wicked and to the righteous. The wicked and righteous don’t always get what they deserve. Sometimes the wicked are rewarded and the righteous are punished. This world is full of frustrating realities just like this one. Solomon is communicating that man cannot grasp God’s plan so he should humbly submit to God and trust His wisdom. Only then can we find true joy in this life. Life can be enjoyed with God. Although life seems unfair, when we trust God with the outcome, we find joy in this life. God’s ways are incomprehensible. Even the wisest man to ever live said that God’s wisdom is beyond our comprehension. We can’t even scratch the surface of God’s knowledge and understanding. True wisdom is submitting to God’s wisdom and trusting His plan. Trusting that He’s in control and will always do what’s best. 

To be wise we must obey authority, fear God, and enjoy the life that He has given us. We need to be wise in this wicked world. Wisdom starts by trusting God’s wisdom and power. Many things in life don’t make sense to us, but that’s okay because God’s in control. We can rest in God’s goodness even though life may seem unfair. Trust God and find joy in His grace. True joy in life can only be found in a relationship with God.

The Limit of Wisdom – August 25, 2023

We all have our limits. This becomes apparent every Thanksgiving. We lay out that beautiful spread of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, candied yams, rolls, pies, etc. (Is your mouth watering yet?) When we first sit down, we think we can eat the whole table. We mound our plates with food, and before long we’re stuffed to the max. We loosen our belts and take a moment to try to clear more room. But eventually we reach the point where we can’t take another bite. We’ve reached our limit. Last week we talked about the necessity of wisdom. We all understand that God wants us to be wise. However, lest we become overconfident and start trusting our own ability, Solomon reminds us of our limitations. In Ecclesiastes 7:14-29, King Solomon exposes the danger of trusting in our own wisdom. Because although wisdom is good, it fails as the meaning of life. Today we’ll look at three limitations of wisdom that keep us from trusting in ourselves.

Solomon concluded in verse 14 that we need to trust God’s sovereignty over our lives. We should rejoice in the day of blessing and trust Him in the day of adversity because God is always in control. On this point, Solomon gives the first limitation of wisdom: wisdom cannot save you from death (Eccl. 7:15-18). As Solomon examines life under the sun, he reflects on the shortcomings of man’s wisdom. He brings up the puzzling fact that sometimes the righteous die young and the wicked live long. Why is this? Who knows the answer? Only God. Even the wisest man on earth doesn’t fully understand the ways of God. Solomon is trying to warn us about becoming self-righteous. As sinful people, we tend to rely on our own understanding and ability instead of God’s. Solomon shatters this thinking with the cold reality that death comes to all. It doesn’t matter how wise or foolish you are. There’s nothing you can do to escape death.

Then Solomon gives us a glimpse of hope in verse 18. He tells us that the person who fears God will come out from the self-righteous and foolish. Those who humbly repent of their sin and seek to obey God for His glory will be blessed by God. The one who fears God will value His wisdom, pursue His righteousness, and enjoy the life that He has given. 

Furthermore, we learn that wisdom cannot fix sin (Eccl. 7:19-24). Wisdom is valuable because it gives strength and protection. However, it can’t save you. Solomon says in verse 20, “Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.” All of us are sinners. And that means our wisdom is corrupt and insufficient.

Solomon gives some examples to prove our own sinfulness. He tells us not to be offended when we hear people cursing us because ultimately, we’re no better than they are. All of us have gossiped, cursed, and slandered others. People say sinful things because people are sinful. That doesn’t make it right, but we shouldn’t be surprised when sinful people sin. No amount of man’s wisdom can fix sin. Even the wisest man in the world said that true understanding and complete wisdom are far off and impossible for man to obtain. Even Solomon realized that man is incapable of knowing everything and fixing all his problems.

Finally, we see that wisdom fails as the meaning of life because mankind is sinful (Eccl. 7:25-29). Again, Solomon tested wisdom and knowledge and again he was disappointed. The more he studied mankind the more Solomon realized how sinful and foolish we are. Solomon concludes that foolishness is worse than death. Why is that? Remember Ecclesiastes 3:17 – “I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work.” The fool will receive his just punishment. Those that are deceived by folly will reap the reward of destruction. 

But we see another ray of hope at the end of verse 26. Solomon says the one who pleases God will escape the temptation of foolishness. The one who fears God, trusts His wisdom, and obeys His Word will escape the destruction of folly. But the sinner who is self-righteous and arrogant will be taken by it. Sadly, the unrighteous outnumber the righteous. God made man upright, but man chose sin and sought out his own schemes. Therefore, all of us are corrupted by sin and have no hope in ourselves. 

Solomon has repeatedly warned us that death comes to all. We can do nothing to escape it. God wants us to be wise, but He doesn’t want us to trust in our own wisdom. That’s why we need to fear God. We need His help. Thankfully, in His kindness and love, God sent His perfect Son to deal with our sin. Christ paid the penalty for sin on the cross and defeated death by His resurrection. Now our problem with sin can be fixed in Jesus Christ. Our good deeds and wisdom could never do it. So, God did it for us! We should seek God’s wisdom. But we must put our faith in God’s grace. We can’t save ourselves. Only God can save us. 

What Is Wisdom? – August 18, 2023

Have you ever felt powerless? Sometimes when we see tragedies in the world it can provoke a feeling of helplessness. We think, “I wish I could help, but how?” We want to fix the problem but feel completely unable to help. At the end of Ecclesiastes 6, Solomon reminded us of our inability to fix this world. Sin has made us foolish and weak. We don’t know what’s good for us, or what the future holds, or how long we have on this earth. But God does. So, we must look to Him for the solution and meaning of life. Looking to God for the solution means that we seek to obey Him. In chapter seven, Solomon describes what wisdom looks like in our lives because God wants us to be wise. Ecclesiastes 7 gives four facts about wisdom:

First, wisdom is taking life seriously (Eccl. 7:1-6). In a series of proverbs, Solomon uses hyperbole (an exaggerated statement to make a point) to prove that the wise will take life seriously. The wise person will value their reputation. They understand the value of a good name. Wisdom is also having a healthy outlook on death. The wise consider the brevity of life and don’t ignore the reality of death. It’s foolish to ignore death. Death is a healthy reminder of our mortality. Because of sin, we will not live forever on this earth. In contrast, the fool tries to distract himself with fun and pleasure. Someone that takes life seriously will also be open to criticism because they want to learn and grow. It takes humility to accept rebuke, but this is the path of wisdom. In contrast, the fool never listens to advice and laughs at rebuke.

Second, wisdom is having good character (Eccl. 7:7-9). A wise person has integrity. They’re not corrupted by power or lucrative desires. A wise person is patient. They are diligent to see things through. The fool is constantly distracted by the latest and greatest. The wise are humble enough to put the work in and finish what they started. A wise person is slow to anger. The fool is quick to fight and argue, but the wise man is slow to anger and remains calm.

Third, wisdom is living in the present (Eccl. 7:10-12). The wise don’t live in the past. In contrast, the fool is obsessed with the good old days. Like the 40-year-old dad that never got past his glory days in high school, the fool can’t move on. Solomon reminds us that the former days weren’t as good as we remember them. Our egos and pride inflate the past in our minds. Every stage of life has its pros and cons, and we tend to forget the cons. Wisdom understands this fact and moves on from the past. Instead of living in the past, the wise person makes the most of today. Wisdom learns from the past, acts in the present, and plans for the future.

Fourth, wisdom is submitting to God (Eccl. 7:13-14). The wise consider God’s works and submit to them. God controls all things. Nothing He does can be changed or altered. His power and wisdom are beyond any human comprehension. When we consider His works, it should humble us and cause us to submit to Him. This is the essence of wisdom. We must trust and obey God in the highs and lows of life, because He controls both. Wisdom is understanding who God is and humbling submitting to Him. 

Do you take life seriously? Are you known for having good character? Are you learning from the past but living in the present? Do you submit to God? These are characteristics of a wise person. Wisdom can only come from God. To have wisdom, we must submit God and His Word. The Bible contains the wisdom that we need. We must understand this fundamental truth: God is God, and we are not. We need God and we need His wisdom.